Eötvös Loránd University Botanical Garden
1. BGs as living treasuries – maintenance and development of living collections
Serving as a living museum 8000 taxa are introduced here form the tropical and temperate zone.
2. BGs as green laboratories – scientific activities and research infrastructure
Different investigations are in progress in the garden outside and in the lab: e.g. breeding and stress tolerant investigations of ournamental plants; propagation of native and tropical plants (picture).
3. BGs as experience-based class-rooms – education activities and infrastructure
In 2017 ’FűFa’ green school was launched, a garden for ’green educating’ preschool and school kids.
4. BGs as custodians of biodiversity – conservation activities, saving endangered species, gene banking
In this garden the Hungarian flora is represented by more than 300 endemic species and a number of them are in ex situ conservation programs. This collection is suitable for public education and research, that is supported by the conservation programs. One of the most rearest plant which is propagated in the garden: Hesperis matronalis subsp. vrabelyiana lives exclusively in the Bükk mountains in the world
5. With the co-operation of two National Parks our garden take part in reintroductions of endangered species. Eriophorum angustifolium propagated in the garden and replanted in the Őrségi National Park.
6. BGs as perpetuators of cultural heritage
7. BGs as eco-attractions – recreation areas, touristic activities and operations, visitor experience and comfort
Several cultural and public events take place annually in the ELTE Botanic Garden. Most popular are the ‘Sakuradays’ and the ‘Water lilies’, displaying the plants.and its cultural elements.