Abstract submission
Abstract submission closed!
Important dates
Abstract submission opens
From November, 2021
Abstract submission deadline – CLOSED!
January 24, 2022
Abstract notification
February 18, 2022
Early bird registration deadline – EXTENDED!
March 15, 2022
The Scientific Committee of the 9th European Botanic Gardens Congress (Eurogard IX.) are calling for abstracts (presentations and posters) to be presented at the meeting in Budapest, Hungary in 2022.
Botanic gardens have been around for centuries, serving research, education and conservation, maintained and developed their living plant collections to serve these purposes. As new challenges occurred like species and habitat loss, climate change, etc. botanic gardens adapted their activities to provide further support. Meanwhile, managing the plant collections within the gardens the need for co-operation arose to reach and support more initiatives plants are involved.
The Congress is dedicated to present, share and propagate these knowledges, and experiences.
Eurogard IX aims to bring together experts working in botanic gardens or with botanic gardens in the area of botanic gardens’ activities, their challenges and their colourful co-operations, focusing on both practical and theoretical knowledge, ranging from introductory to advanced levels. All experts being involved with management and activities of the botanic gardens are kindly invited to contribute and to submit proposals on all aspects of their activities, challenges and co-operations including results of original research, case reports, studies, and review articles.
Main topics for the abstracts (See more details at Congress Topics)
- Classical activities of Botanic Gardens
- Present ages’ challenges of Botanic Gardens
- Colourful co-operations of Botanic Gardens and Thematic Gardens
- Planta Europa dedicated session
Submission method
- Online abstract submission form available on the top of this page, please click to the button “ABSTRACT SUBMISSION”
Types of presentations
- ORAL presentation (15 min + 3 min discussion) in professional session
- Poster (printed poster)
Also workshops can be submitted (60, 90 or 120 min duration) in a prepared topic
- Student Prizes: Undergraduate students, students within 3 years of graduation are eligible for student prizes if they are giving first presentation of their own work, at an international conference. They must indicate with their submission that they wish to be considered for a student prize.
- Poster Prizes: All accepted posters are automatically competing for Best Poster Awards, authors do not have to indicate their will to participate.
- Studies submitted should not have been previously presented at an international meeting prior to the Eurogard IX Congress.
- In abstracts with multiple contributing authors, each author must have generated a part of the intellectual content of the manuscript and must agree with the content of the publication, all interpretation and conclusions.
- The author submitting the proposal will be the person with whom all correspondence takes place.
- All submitted material must be ethically sound, and where appropriate previously approved by an ethics committee. Submissions that have not undergone appropriate ethical scrutiny will be rejected.
- All abstracts must be in British English.
- Proposed abstracts must be no longer than 2000 characters (excluding title, authors and references) and are expected to be informative. This word limit applies to all the submissions above and all areas. This will ensure all material submitted for review is similar in length and compared/reviewed fairly.
- Figures, tables and reference list should not be included in abstract proposals.
- Please provide a short description of the proposed presentation, including specific results obtained. The results are expected to be mentioned in the abstract and we will not permit work where results will be presented in the meeting.
- If your abstract is accepted, the copyright will be transferred to the Congress Organizer.
- Please note, that the submitted abstracts are only intended for review by the Scientific Committee. Authors will have an opportunity to submit final manuscripts once their abstract is accepted.
Selection of papers
Once the abstract proposal deadline has ended, all proposals will be sent to the Scientific Committee depending on the topic. Abstracts will be evaluated based on relevance to the field, methodology, interest to professionals and overall quality.
Based on the evaluation, the Scientific Committee creates the thematic program based on our framework.
For the 15-minute presentation submissions, the submitter can be asked for their presentation to be assessed for suitability as a short presentation (7+2 min) or poster if it is rejected as a 15-minute presentation. If the paper is not accepted as an oral presentation, but is accepted as a poster, they will be expected to deliver one. If the paper is rejected, it may still be rejected as a poster as well. If a submitter does not agree to change the abstract type to a poster and the original paper is rejected, there is no option to re-submit it as a poster at that point.
Please note that for poster submissions the proposal will either be accepted as part of the programme or rejected.
Corresponding authors will be notified about the result of the review process by February 18, 2022.
Please note that the presenting author of each accepted abstract has to complete his/her early bird registration before the schedule is finalized.
The preliminary program schedule will be finalized following the early bird registration deadline.